Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Keep your diet on the right track

Do you know the depressing feeling you get when you have dieted for months and haven't had one french fry and then suddenly one week you lose control due to various circumstances. There are those extra pounds again, settling around your waist.
For many men and women, this is the point where they break. Suddenly it all seems futile, you will never lose weight, you will never look like that new girl/boy who moved in the neighbourhood and who goes running every day.

However, if you suddenly gain those pounds, it should not be a reason to stop it all. In fact, it should help you get back on track again. You've lost control for a few days and I bet it felt great not having to think about the sugar or carbohydrates or the fat that you were eating.
You should get your motivation out of this instead of letting it all go. Look at it as a fresh start, you've lost quite some pounds, you did it before. Who cares if they're back? You should be able to get them off once again in no time. It certainly should not be a problem with this product.

This could also be the effect of the movitational issues I talked about before. If your goals are unreachable, it's harder to keep following your way too strict diet.
You should set goals that can be reached without having to drastically change your life. Change is always good, but completely turning your life around just from one week to the other, is not always a good idea.

Remember to keep focused but you should also relax. Dieting is not what you should do with your life, it is what you should do in order to live your life in a way you like.

See you next time, for some more hints and tips on how to lose those pounds!

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